Pale Green Fingers
Hi again.
I think it is probably best to point out at this stage that I am not a professional chilli grower. In fact, I'm just about the least qualified person to attempt this challenge. I am not a gardener. I don't even have any plants in my garden, and most of the plants inside my house look as if they're about to die. These pages are certainly not intended to serve as a guide on how to grow chillies, but merely to catalogue my experiences.
Having said all that, I tried a similar challenge last year which did actually result in the production of 'real' chillies. I'll attach some pics when I work out how. Naturally, I have learned some lessons from last year's experiment - mainly to label the plants more carefully! There were far too many plants which I could not identify at the end.
Bring on the 2006 project....
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