I am blogging my attempt to grow chilli peppers from seeds bought on eBay.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Day 18 - He Sees Shoots, He Scores.

The first signs of life can now be seen in two more of the seed trays. According to my notes, these new seedlings are Serrano and Anaheim (above) varieties. I am no longer able to place the trays above the boiler at night. This means that all the seeds, whether they've germinated or not, remain in front of the French doors all day and night. Although this place is fairly bright (when we actually get some sun), it is not particularly warm. The effect of the cold temperatures has been visible in the slow growth of the emerging seedlings and may explain why the other seeds are taking a long time to germinate. I hope to move the seeds to the super-bright conservatory when the weather gets warmer, but for now the chillies will have to fend for themselves by the window.
I continue to water them regularly and monitor their progress. Most of the developed seedlings look perfectly healthy and should survive for re-potting later in the season.


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