I am blogging my attempt to grow chilli peppers from seeds bought on eBay.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Day 114 - Trough ... But Fair!

Today I re-potted my plants in Location 5 (Reading). Re-potted is only half accurate because I have now placed my chilli plants in small troughs. As you can see from the pictures, I've managed to squeeze four plants into each trough. These are really a bit too close to each other. I used the same compost and techniques as before. This time, however, I've laid down some slug pellets for extra protection. The plants look much healthier now that I've picked off any yellowing leaves. There are no signs of any new damage / disease on any of the plants. Hurray! The troughs are place up against a south facing wall in my back garden. Plenty of sun (when the weather improves) and fairly sheltered from the elements.

Tomorrow I'll post details of the 8 plants that were large enough to put outside.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog. It's somehow fascinating.



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