I am blogging my attempt to grow chilli peppers from seeds bought on eBay.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Day 34 - Pot The Green.

Day 34 is here. And what a day! The majority of my seeds have grown into healthy little plants. I've therefore decided to re-pot all the shoots that have outgrown their trays. Another indicator that these seedlings are ready for re-potting is that they have begun to grow their second set of leaves.
First, I assembled all the necessary ingredients on the patio; a big bag of compost, a whole load of 3 or 4" pots, and a small digging implement. I then took an indelible marker and labeled the pots. My plan is to grow the seedlings in four different locations to see which perform the best. Details of the four locations can be found in the next post.
I then half-filled the pots with compost, dug out the seedlings and re-potted them in their new pots. I added a bit more compost and gave each a healthy watering. Done!

Whilst re-potting I found that I often had far more chillies than locations to put them. Consequently, I often placed two chillies in each pot. If both grow well, I can always remove the weaker at a later date.

All that was left then was to put all the chillies in their new locations and hope that the sunny weather would continue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did you transplant the seedling and take the photo at the same time?



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