I am blogging my attempt to grow chilli peppers from seeds bought on eBay.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Day 67 - What sound does a chilli make...

... if it falls over in the boot of my car and there is no-one around to hear it? One of life's greatest philosophical questions, there.

Today I moved out of my Reading house and I was forced to bring my chillies back to my other house in Crowthorne. Location 4 proved to have the best conditions for my chillies to grow. The plants I have brought with me from Reading are much larger than their equivalents that were left in Crowthorne. I will add some comparison pictures when I unpack my camera.

The hardest part was not keeping the pots stable in the boot of my car during transportation, but sheltering the seedlings from the howling wind that threatened to break their stems.

I continue to water regularly and hope for sunny weather. The picture above is of the chillies that survived the journey from Location 4.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


The sound od a chilli falling over in the boot of a car with no-one around to hear it is the same as the sound of a chilli falling over in the boot of a car with someone around to hear it.

You`re welcome

Uncle Aicard



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